Wednesday 10 September 2014

He cheated on you but give him another chance, eh? He loves you after all...

This morning David Cameron has "pleaded" for Scots not to rip apart the Union.

This is the same David Cameron who refused on multiple occasions to publicly debate with Alex Salmond, the leader of the only majority administration within the United Kingdom. 

This is the same David Cameron who refused to meet with undecided voters on STV as he was not prepared to be interviewed by STV political editor Bernard Ponsonby. 

This is the same David Cameron who resolved to fight for the Union with "every fibre that I have" but then simply sent his Labour proxies out to do his dirty work.

When politicians who have refused to engage in a process and then see their best laid plans go awry are reduced to pleading with the electorate it strikes me that they were never properly engaged in the process in the first place.

It puts me in mind of the guy who tells his girlfriend that he loves her and only her, but then goes out on the pull every weekend. When she finds out she dumps him and he blindly calls her, texts her and turns up on her doorstep to tell her that he is sorry and he has changed.

David Cameron has now turned up on Scotland's doorstep.

Scotland, do not be mistaken, David Cameron is not showing the love for our sake. No, David Cameron is now desperately trying to save his own skin as he clearly understands that a NO vote on September 18th is the end of his political career.

What chance in the future for "the man who lost Britain?" No, exactly.

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